Week 1 - Prototyping & Concept

For this week, I prototyped using the concepts of movement and input. I programmed the character to move using WASD, look at where the cursor is clicked when held, and created a basic enemy that is destroyed when overlapped. This is a very basic prototype I wanted to get done just to get a feel of the game and I feel like a succeeded showcase of the basic mechanics of the game. I did this after receiving feedback based on the concept document I created for the game. There is still much to add, but for a very basic prototype I feel that this is a good showcase of what is to come in the upcoming weeks working on the project. 

I used the greybox method of prototyping to get a very basic look of how I want my game to feel. I have been playing around on this prototype and adjusting anything as necessary to get a good feel of the game. I believe this was a successful method of getting to understand how I want the feel of my game to be and hopefully be able to implement/express every core loop from my concept document through my prototype attempt. I feel like It might be better for me to create multiple rooms/scenes in unreal that the player can go back and forth in similar to the size of this template. From there I can think of creative ways to implement my obstacles, enemies, and puzzles in order to create something that feels satisfying and fun. 

The biggest piece of feedback I plan on utilizing is to create creative ways that my ma=ze like structure, the puzzles and enemies within them, as well as environmental obstacles. The prototyped version of this goal was my decision to get a random spider from turbosquid and have that be the basic prototype for my enemy. I still have yet to add much of what I aimed for in the concept design document. For this prototype I used the template for a top down 3d game in Unreal Engine. From the progress I made with input, the enemies, and the feel of the template, I was able to get a good understanding and scope of how I want the game to feel like as I continue on with the project. Overall, I decided to focus most on my programming skills, which is why the art, sound design, and modeling has barely been worked on in this prototype. I plan on doing art implementation later on after I get the feel of the gameplay to my goals.

Get The Quantum Enigma

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